Bible verses are taken from the NKJV
Main Topics
The rider on the white horse
When Jesus opens the first seal a white horse appears. Its rider has a bow and a crown is given to him. Most say it is the antichrist and some say it is Jesus Christ. Here we explain why it cannot be antichrist or Jesus Christ.
The two witnesses
Many pastors teach Moses and Elijah will appear as the two witnesses in Revelation 11. Some say Elijah and Enoch. But there is good reason to believe why it cannot be any of them.
Elijah of Malachi 4
The majority consensus is that the Old Testament prophet Elijah will return. However, we already discussed why he cannot return in the section "Two Witnesses." So who is the coming Elijah prophet?
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It is important to understand that the book of Revelation is not written in chronological order. It is mainly divided by themes. There is a general order of events but it is mostly clustered in themes. Eastern writing, unlike western writing, does not need to follow a chronological order, but is often organized by thought and theme with a general order of events.

Sequence of End Time Events
Christ's Forerunner Appears!
(Rev 6:1-2)
(Rev 6:3-4)
(Rev 6:5-6)
(Rev 6:7-8)
(Rev 6:9-11)
(Rev 18-19:5)
(Rev 19:7-9)
(Rev 6:12-17)
(Rev 7:1-8)
(Rev 8:1-6)
First Seal
Second Seal
Third Seal
Fourth Seal
Fifth Seal
Mystery Babylon
Sixth Seal
144,000 Sealed
7th Seal
The Lord's end time forerunner appears on a white horse! (Rev 6:1-2)
Conflict on earth (killing, fighting, war)
Cry of the martyrs in heaven
Is burned (Rev 14:8)
The marriage of the lamb has come
Sign on earth that the great day of His wrath has come
Heaven takes a moment of silence; trumpet judgments are prepared
The beginning of sorrows
The Great Tribulation Begins (7 years) - antichrist should be revealed by now
(Rev 11:3-6)
(Rev 8:7)
(Rev 8:8-9)
(Rev 8:10-11)
(Rev 8:12-13)
(Rev 9:1-12)
(Rev 9:13-21)
Two witnesses
First Tumpet
Second Trumpet
Third Trumpet
Fourth Trumpet
Fifth Trumpet
Sixth Trumpet
They appear and prophesy for 1260 Days
Vegetation struck
A great mountain burning with fire is thrown into the sea
A third of rivers and springs of water become wormwood
A third of the heavens darkened
Men are tormented by the locust from the bottomless pit
The four angels at the Euphrates are released to kill a third of mankind
(Rev 11:7-14)
(Rev 13:5-7)
(Rev 16:2)
(Rev 16:3)
(Rev 16:4-7)
(Rev 16:8-9)
(Rev 16:10-11)
(Rev 16:12-16)
(Rev 16:17-21)
(Rev 11:15-19)
Two witnesses
First Bowl
Second Bowl
Third Bowl
Fourth Bowl
Fifth Bowl
Sixth Bowl
Seventh Bowl
Seventh Trumpet
Are killed approximately in the middle of the tribulation
Makes war with saints and overcomes them for forty-two month
Loathsome sores come upon the men with the mark of the beast
The sea turns to blood and all living creatures in the sea die
Rivers and springs of water become blood
Men are scorched by the sun
Kingdom of the beast becomes full of darkness
Euphrates dries up
The earth is utterly shaken
The kingdom of God is proclaimed
(Rev 19:11-16)
(Rev 19:17-21)
(Rev 20:1-3)
(Rev 20:4-6)
(Rev 20:7-8)
(Rev 20:9-10)
(Rev 20:11-15)
(Rev 21:1)
(Rev 21:2-27)
(Rev 22:3-5)
Christ Returns With His Saints
The Beast and His armies are Defeated
Satan is Bound for 1000 Years
Christ Reigns for 1000 Years
Satan is Released
Satanic Rebellion is Crushed
The Great White Throne Judgment
A New Heaven and a New Earth are Created
New Holy Jerusalem Descends out of Heaven from God
God and His Servants Reign Forever and Ever

"Where a white horse is good and a beast is bad."